Starting Points

Corporate Purpose Project empowers citizens to create a sustainable futures grounded in democratic values.

These are a few starting points towards these aims:

#1: Rising Above Polarizing Economic Debates


Americans have been polarized by manufactured divisions from corporate and partisan interests, hindering unifying solutions.


A citizen-empowered economy meets everyday needs and fosters future care, making these discussions practical rather than political.

#2: Valuing the Health of Living Systems


Our economic culture prioritizes endless wealth accumulation over the long-term health of our civilization, resulting in crises across personal, social, and ecological well-being.


Our bodies, communities, and environments are all living systems whose health needs to be prioritized over extractive enterprising.

#3: Reining in the Forces of Crony Capitalism


Shareholder corporations are compelled to maximize profits, often at democracy’s expense, through lobbying, Super PACs, and self-serving rhetoric.


The Constitution begins with ‘We the People’—not ‘We the Corporations.’

Embracing this, American citizens can reclaim their democratic power and hold corporations accountable.